Monday, April 20, 2009

Proposal Deadline EXTENDED for Italian and Dutch lecture streams at OGS Conference 2010

OGS Branches may wish to know that the deadline has been extended to 1 June 2009 for proposals for Italian and Dutch lecture streams at OGS Conference 2010. This extension is to allow for more complete outreach to these communities. The deadline remains unchanged (1 May 2009) for submission of all other topics. A copy of the Dutch call for speakers follows. (The Italian call is identical except for the obvious changes.)

Ontario Genealogical Society Conference 2010

Dutch Family History Lectures

Call for Speakers

Extended Deadline: 1 June 2009

The Ontario Genealogical Society’s Toronto Branch will host the Society’s annual conference on May 14-16, 2010, at the Doubletree by Hilton – Toronto Airport. One day of the Conference (to be determined) will incorporate a stream of lectures that will appeal to those with ancestry in the Netherlands. We encourage proposals for lectures and/or half-day workshops that could be part of this stream.

The Ontario Genealogical Society, founded in 1961, is a not-for-profit organization with more than 4,500 members. The umbrella Conference theme will be “Essentials, Innovations and Delights”.

We are looking for proposals for presentations on any aspect of Dutch family history, including (but not limited to) sources, research techniques, historical background, Dutch migration or settlement in Canada or other parts of the world, language or paleography, libraries, archives, and online resources.

Lectures will be one hour long, including 5-10 minutes for questions. Workshop proposals should allow for a three-hour session with one 20-minute break. All presentations should have a visual component. Speakers will be required to submit Syllabus material in early 2010.

Speakers will receive an honorarium, plus appropriate expenses and complimentary registration for the Conference.

Please submit your proposals by e-mail. Be sure to include your full name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, website address (if applicable) and biographical information, including recent speaking credits. For each proposal, please provide a unique title, a detailed outline up to 250 words, a summary of 50 words or less suitable for publicity, identification of the intended audience (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and A/V requirements. Multiple proposals are encouraged, but only one per page, please.


NB The deadline for other speaking proposals to the umbrella Conference remains unchanged at 1 May 2009.

To submit proposals or ask a question about the event, please contact the Conference 2010 Program Committee at

For more information about the Ontario Genealogical Society and Toronto Branch respectively, please visit:

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