Last Thursday, the Archives of Ontario held a great event celebrating Archives Week. There were upwards of 40 people registered and they were treated to lectures on Photography, Preserving Heirlooms, Genealogical Research, and Historical Film. After the lectures, they participated in a tour of the Archives holdings.
The Ontario Genealogical Society was one of three official partners involved in the event. Also included were The Archives Association of Ontario and the Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections based in the Scott Library on the York University Campus.
Manning the Ontario Genealogical Society's table, I had some great in-depth conversations with many of the attendees. Some were interested in the Society, some were members of the Society and many had questions on where to take their research. What a bonus to be at the Archives, where so many of my suggestions could be implemented right away!
After the event, I stayed to do some of my own research in the reading room. While there, one person spoke to me that one of my suggestions had hit pay-dirt for her! So pleased that I could help. [ I used Brenda Merriman's book,
Genealogy in Ontario: Searching the Records, which was featured on our table. It still is the go-to resource for Ontario records. ]