Saturday, 8:30 - 4:30,
August 23 2008
Stirling Senior School,
Stirling, Ontario
Featured Speakers:
Kathy Orr: Who are the United Empire Loyalists?
Paul McGrath: Staff Genealogist for Ancestors in the Attic
Partial List of Vendors:
Global Genealogy, Stirling-Rawdon Hist. Soc., Stirling 150th Anniv. Book Comm.,
Hastings County Historical Society, UEL Bay of Quinte,
Quinte, Kingston, and Kawartha Branches of O.G.S.,
Lakeshore Gen. Soc., LDS Trenton, Tweed Heritage Centre,
Bancroft Gen. Club, Upper Ottawa Valley Gen. Group,
South Frederick Hist. Soc., Linda Croupe, Don Kellaway, Susan Brose
Pat Marshall
5 Wright St., PO Box 743
Stirling, Ontario
K0K 3E0
Phone: 613 395-6243