Saturday, January 28, 2012

Canadian Emigration: Parliamentary Papers 1826

“Return of the Assessed Value of the Townships in the Newcastle District" in Western Canada, which were settled by Pauper Emigrants from Ireland, between the years 1825 and 1828 at the public expense: Of the number of various Emigration Societies formed in Canada in 1840, by Canadian Proprietors desirous of Settling Emigrants from Great Britain and Ireland upon their Estates. (1848)”.

In total around 260 plots are covered, giving details of over 700 people. While this is a short publication, it is an essential migration resource for those who became known as the Robinson Irish settlers and indeed anyone in Southern Ontario with an Irish family history.

For more info . . .

Thank you to Clare L K.

Monday, January 16, 2012

• Next Meeting - Tuesday - February 7, at 7:30 p.m. • Wayne O'Connor (Eoghan O'Conchobhair) - Irish Genealogy (mostly Southern Ireland)
Wayne (a previous Durham Branch newsletter editor), has investigated many resources while researching his own family. During the presentation he will re-visit websites he found useful, demonstrating their strengths and weaknesses. Wayne signs his e-mails with "Slan go foill", so he must know his field quite well. He is open to questions from the audience.
The meeting location is the Main Branch of the Oshawa Library (basement auditorium).