Tuesday, August 25, 2020

September 8th Virtual Meeting is a "Breeze"


Our Tuesday, September 8th,2020 Zoom meeting is at 7:30 p.m. [Please note the date change]

The Cruise of the Breeze book

Marc Seguin - "The Cruise of the Breeze: -

The Journal, Art and Life of a Victorian Soldier in Canada" is the title of Marc's book - about a British soldier, Henry Baines, sent to Canada to be one of the protectors of this 'almost' new nation, at a time of great strife in the United States... an internal war with potentially dangerous consequences for our ancestors. His 1863 summer voyage, circumnavigating Lake Ontario in a sailboat, yielded many insights into those times, and into significant shoreline communities in both countries, all gained from his drawings and journal writings.

Here is the registration link for the September 8th meeting:

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